Originally Posted by SlamPow
I find myself really wanting to create a custom party. First of all, there's a glitch in the game, where the less people you have in your party, the less xp you get, which is crippling for people who are playing an origin story, and don't like *every* companion. I, for example, played a custom character so I could get a feel for all the companions. The Red Prince said I would make a good slave. So I killed him. Ifan is suffering some sort of horrible disease, and I also hate rogues. So I killed him. Sebille, I don't even think I need to mention. I was about one thousand percent done with her when I killed her. Lohse, on the other hand, is a total baller on several different levels. So I started over as Lohse, and... Well, it looks like I'm soloing now. After getting out of the fort, I had to restart since I was fighting level 5's as a level 2, and this time I spared the red prince out of complete necessity, and now I'm stuck on another fight (the blue dude) because I only have two people. Two underleveled people. Is there any chance they'll put in custom character creation later?

There will be more companions on release. I'd expect at least a dwarf and an undead. Saw someone somewhere suggest a possible total of 10 origins to pick.