Originally Posted by Regicide

As for the feedback is essential bit yes i have seen that before as iv'e been following this games development since the beginning but i think the time for complete aesthetic overhauls has been and gone this late in a development cycle. I recall seeing on the kickstarter forums for dos 2 a poll on stylized vs. realistic armour and the poll came out at about 50/50, slightly favouring the stylized viewpoint. So this topic has already been extensively discussed and thought over by the community and Larian team and what they decided on is apparent from the outcome of the games aethetics.

Heh, I realize you'd like to shut discussion on this topic down for whatever reason, but I'll leave it to Larian to decide for themselves what they are or aren't willing to consider.

Secondly, the notion of "Stylized vs Realistic" armor is neither here nor there. Stylized does not mean "naked women". It would mean that they wear artistically stylized armor on their bodies granting as much coverage as their male counterparts.

Finally, I'm not saying this needs to happen this time around, but I remember the designs of the armor being adjusted late in the development for D:OS 1, of which I was also an early access supporter, due to similar concerns. So once again, I'd just go ahead and leave it to Larian to make their own decisions.