Lol, thats so cute.
Sorry but a few people ranting on a forum does not equal millions of customers voting with their wallet.
The game should not "obviously change" because a few nitwits on this forum feels they are having their moral sinsibilities trampled by this game.

Instead of making a long speech of fail, how about you adress the basic flaw of your entire argument.
Not all games available use the "naked women card", thus even customers who share your sensibilities have a choice, yet despite this choice having existed for decades, the naked ladies games are (according to you) the majority of games.
That means a majority of people like that flavor of game and buy that flavor of game.

If you want to argue that other people should have less of something you do not like, bring a convincing argument to the table. But remember, you are not arguing for your favourite flavor of game to have the right to exist, it already has. What you are arguing for there to be less of other peoples favourite flavor of game. You don't give a damn if people like chocholate ice cream, you prefer banana mint ice cream and there should be more of that and less chocholate because you want it.

See how silly that sounds? Untill you provide some form of statistical argument for why your analysis of the video game market is correct and why a majority of games studios analysis of the market is incorrect, all you are saying that your impopular opinion is more important "because reasons".
(While you are at it how about you go get a job as a market consultant for some large video game industry. Since you have this unique understanding of what people "actually" want you should be able to make a fortune with this special knowledge, right?)