Originally Posted by Stabbey

This is a roleplaying game, not a number maximizing game. If you have the choice between resolving a situation peacefully or violently, those each have consequences.

I reject the claim that DoS2 is only about the one thing. The game is not just about roleplaying. The game has a fun roleplaying component, but it also has loot, stats, combat, mechanics, etc. too. If players enjoy other aspects of the game (such as trying to maximize their performance and playing on harder difficulties) why is their experience any less valid? I'd say the game is big enough for both interests. In practice, very few people care only about the roleplaying or only about numbers. The reality is that both aspects combine to make the experience.

Originally Posted by Stabbey

I vote in favor of setting NPC XP to zero if you make the choice to resolve a situation through peaceful methods and succeed. That is the consequence you get for making a choice to be peaceful. You should not be rewarded for then doing the opposite.

No complaints here. You'd probably also have to remove any items they drop too, or in many cases there is still reward present.