The Bridge

I infiltrated the Fort through the docks side, using the teleporting gloves and two characters teleporting each other and stealthing around. After looting in the fort itself, i can lower the big bridge which remains lowered for a long time and so i can escape the fort that way. Either immediately or later, going through the dungeons and prison from the other side.

But once i go far enough, - i think meeting with Gareth and the magisters in the ruins triggers the change, - the bridge is raised back up and all guards turn hostile regardless of how i chose to get back in. And of course regardless of the fact that nobody saw me doing it.

Its annoying i can lower the bridge without any of the guards in the fort noticing it. Its not exactly a small thing to move and there is a guard patrolling coming almost right next to it.

Lowering the bridge should be used as a trigger to set "prisoners escaped alarm" - not me running into some fight or a situation somewhere in the forest.

Especially in a situation as it is, with the forest being full of monsters and Seekers.

There should be at least one guard on the wall above the bridge, on the gate itself, better if there are two.
Which we would then need to either avoid by stealth or take out stealthily (without making the whole Fort hostile if we succeed) to get through there and to lower the bridge itself - which would then cause the alarm but still allow us to escape that way if we do it immediately.

And then the bridge should be brought back up right away. Instead of just being open for hours without anyone noticing it.

Judge Orivund trial

In the fort i can intercept Judge Orivund turning one of the prisoners into a Silent Monk.

The problem is:

I can stealth inside, go to the balcony(?) on the side above the prisoner and two guards, right next to the judge and few other magisters and i can teleport the prisoner away from the judge before he turns her into a Silent Monk.
If i succeed - which is easy to do - the "trial" is interrupted and combat starts immediately.

BUT - regardless of where i teleport the prisoner elf she just calmly walks back to her previous position, while the fight is going on - and the effect of turning her into a Silent Monk still happens anyway.

Even though the judge Orivund and other magisters there are engaged in combat with me.
This happens regardless of how i start the combat, but is especially annoying if i actually teleport the prisoner out of judge reach and sight.

I object! Leading the witness!

She should not walk back to her position. She should either get knocked out for the duration of the fight, go into "covering in fear" mode, or join the fight on my side.

There should be a possibility for us to keep her alive through the fight. And if we succeed she should follow us around and either escape into the forest through one of the escape routes - easiest and quickest being in the judge room. Or follow us back to the Fort where she would be killed by the guards, one way or another, which would also make all guards hostile to us and so on.

Nebora getting my collar off

After just one and the easiest fight in the underground? Really?

That completely ruins any sense of seriousness of the problem or importance of collars. And it pretty much ruins the whole set up for the whole plot. She never even mentions or explains why she takes the collar off only for my main character and not the others. or you know,... herself and anyone else in the whole camp!

There is an easy solution to all these very illogical consequences and problems they create for the whole plot.

Move the whole fighting club somewhere outside of the prison. Then it would actually make some kind of sense. And provide opportunity to get the collars off - one by one, for each fight won - without mandatory aliance with the Seekers.

Which would then not be mandatory, so the players would actually have a choice. We could then even "work for the magisters" (undercover or openly) or play the both sides against each other if we want to.

The classic "for a fist full of coins" double play.

Traders inside the fort

Are equally bad for the plot and the whole narrative.
They should not have all the magical items for sale and those should not change and get better as we level up.

The usual prisoners who sell stuff should only deal with basic items and resources for crafting. Nothing else.

There could be a magister looking to trade better stuff but that should only become an option if we do something for him, or convince him otherwise, either through blackmail or through getting some "errand" done.

All the other better items, especially magical ones should be available only outside of the forest or from killing magisters and higher level enemies themselves.

The undead trader that is just outside of the fort bridge exit should be moved somewhere deeper into the forest.
It makes no sense to have him stand right there where he is, selling high level items right in front of the Fort itself.