Man, i already got your bratwurst and sauerkraut ready, hans. Lets play some DSA and read Die Zwerge. Jawohl!

Please don't use those stereotypes. They're hurtful and don't support your argument.

As for Retcons:

Well, only because the other races didn't appear in D:OS or Divinity 2, doesn't mean that they disappeared completely (most of it was for budget and engine reasons. The other races were planned in the early concept phases of 2 for example). But there ARE smal details, which stand contraire to the earlier lore:

- The Orcs are now a matriarchal culture and pray to the All-Mother, instead of their creator god. Could be a retcon, or they explain it in the lore book.
- Rivellon turned from a nation to the name of the whole world. Bigger Retcon, but I guess we will survive that wink.
- Hell turned into the Void, if I understand it correctly. Or it is still it's own place, I'm not sure at the moment.

The elves are a bigger problem, but they could just explain that they've changed since Dragon Commander and the villagers from Divinity 1 are remnants of their old culture. I mean the Lizards turned from a Democracy into an Empire, so why not?

A really big retcon would be, when they eradicate everything that happened in The Dragon Knight Saga in favor of a more Sourcefocused-story.

The thing about the Divinity Lore is, that it grew bigger and bigger over the years, but most of it stood alone or focused on it's own themes (for example, we saw no Dragon Knights in Original Sin). Easier for beginners to play, but for lore-lovers like me sometimes very frustrating laugh.

That's why I hope, that they'll finally give us definite version of the lore in OS 2. Can only be easier for future stories laugh.

Last edited by Zelon; 22/06/17 04:37 PM.