Originally Posted by Deadknight
Or they can make it that Skin Graft removes all remaining AP instead of the armor and magic armor.
So would be useful to have all your skills next turn if you really need something.

That's even much stronger than the current one, people would just spend most of thier AP and spare 1 AP left to use Skin Gaft with no armors trade-off.

Originally Posted by Concarne
I was thinking Skin Graft should be a polymorph source ability. That way the OP nature of the skill stays the same but it also forces you to chose to use a very rare resource if you want that reset.

Devs say there are even more source points beyond Act 1, so turning a skill into a source skill wouldnt solve the problem.

Make Skin Gaft cost 1AP /2 Turn Cooldown per use to a selected power, it would have more tactical uses.
• So now when you really need something, you have to sacrifice some AP to get it up on that turn.By making it cost AP , nobody would be able to abuse it for Adrenaline/Flesh
• Most normal skills already have 2-3 turn cooldowns , with strong skills are at 4-5 turn cooldowns. So technically 1 AP = an instant cd for one weak skill and 2 AP = an instant for one strong skill.

Why no global reset?
• Reset all cd is a no, some combinations are already too strong at low level tier skills: 2 Sawtooth Knife can kill a boss, 2 Snipe can kill a boss, 2 First Aid can kill a boss (with Decaying Touch),...
• Make it global reset, that is a big no no.
• Now add high level tier skills, game is alpha so no clue but in last game, master skills are like uber powerful.

â–º Although that's being said my version would make that battle lasts 1 or 2 more turns longer until your favorite skill is up again. In my honest opinion, remove it.

In DOS:EE you can reduce abilities cooldown with high attributes tho?
• The cooldown is still high with reduced cooldown, chain lightning has 10 turn cooldown, minimum reduced cooldown are 8 turn. Deadly spores has 8 turn, minimum 6 turn. And they are still too powerful devs have to put a source system to prevent people from abusing it every battle.
• Powerful skills have long cooldown for a reason, to stop player from overusing it in a fight, having a skill that can cheat all that cooldown away would make it, well..not fair