Originally Posted by cool-dude01
I'm just going to have to see how the undead work out at release. It sort of sounds like people who play undead, are going to have to work harder to be viable. As for the whole "evil" vibe thing, that really depends on the type of undead they are. In Divinity's lore, I believe there are three kinds of dead. The mindless zombie kind, the bound kind, and then there are the "chosen". As far as I understand it, the chosen are their own civilization, and are just as capable of reasoning as the living, and are also able to breed; they are an actual UNDEAD race. In fact, I think we meet a chosen in EA. The bound are whatever, they are normally evil, because they are bound by necromatic magic to be slaves, for good or for ill. The mindless zombies are not good or evil, because they are just mindless monsters. I imagine the chosen will have both good and bad. So, i don't agree that undead have a "evil" vibe in Divinity.

I would call skinning peoples faces off to steal their identities and devouring the life essence of people as evil actions... but i guess you somehow see that as good or something...