Ive just started playing the full game.

I noticed we can now find some crafting recipes right away on the ship and through early Fort Joy, which is great. Prisoners are now without weapons until the stuff goes down, also great. Presets are better, finally we have a pure fighting build to start with, the Knight - but the Ranger still gets one point in Pyro... and there are a few bad Civil skills choices.

The biggest problem in character creation seem to be talents which are preselected, and inability to know in advance which Talents and Civil skills any build will have, which usually result in spending points on something a companion will have already - depending on a build/class we choose for them. (also, Rogues-scoundrels should have thievery and Shadowblades sneaking, not the opposite)

Since those points are rare in the game it would be much better if those were not preselected but left to players to decide on. All except a single starting talent which is Origin or race specific. There also should be info on when we get new talents in the game available in character creation so the players can make informed decisions instead of googling it or choosing blindly.
Companions should not level up automatically when we get them. But if i decide to ditch a companion and get a new one there is no automatic leveling up. Thats how it should be. Especially on Classic and Tactician modes.

The Ai is really good, a huge improvement over the previous game and all other games i know of.
Unfortunately the new armor system works against it, especially the bloat in Tactician mode, but ive said a lot about that already and will do so in other threads.

The story and plot are really good, writing in general is much better. Hope it keeps up in other parts of the game too. Void enemies are much better and the whole deal of misguided Magisters good intentions woven into the greater plot is very, very nice. Especially the visible, palpable consequences of that we can experience through many NPCs and smaller side characters, even animals.

The voiceovers are a disappointment. None of them fit the characters as i had them in my mind and are too much of "english" cliches. The voice actors did a good job but the choice could have been better.
Its not their fault - its your fault.
I turned off the horribly unnecessary (and huge cliche) narrator immediately and it seems i will turn off all voiceovers soon.

I know, none of this is a big concern since the game is selling like a hot crack laced cheese, which is what i expected.
Congratulations on a big success.

It is very deserved considering all the effort that went into creating all of the game humongous content and its features, the co-op, GM mode and the editor. I am enjoying a lot of things in the game and consider it one of the better ones ive ever played, even if mass market features require me to consciously block them out which i cant do entirely because they affect the gameplay a lot.

Hopefully the future patches and mods will minimize the mass market features and make it a true great RPG.