Originally Posted by NuttiKrust

If you don't like the feature, don't use it, and if there's some imbalance, so what? It's a single player game; so the only person being affected would the individual using the feature. Don't use it, and there's no imbalance.


"Don't use it" is a really dumb argument, even singleplayer games need to be balanced.

If you play a tycoon or city builder game and there was a building unlocked halfway into the game that was free and generates you tons of money, would you also say "You don't have to use it, it gives other players options, it's a singleplayer game afterall"? Lmao, thats simply bad game design.

I don't abuse the system the way I described, but simply it being so easy to exploit devalues the whole experience.

Originally Posted by KentDA
There's a flaw in the idea of "fail a check, go respec and try again."

Conversations don't RESET.

So if you Fail your Persuasion Check, barring RELOADING the game, you don't get a second chance.

Also, being able to experiment and change your skills as needed can be extremely useful on higher difficulties where you really need to know exactly what to expect.

If I fail a persuasion check I can just come back with a different character, no savescumming needed.
Drop a pyramid by the NPC you are having trouble with, teleport to the ship, respec, teleport back, takes less than a minute.

I can't understand how you can defend such a huge oversight, again, if you can come back in less than a minute with character stats fit for every situation, why have roleplaying aspect in the first place? It completely nullifies specializing your party.
"Just don't use it" doesn't make a broken gamemechanic less broken, simple as that.

Originally Posted by Yegodz
It is fine the way it is. I never understood the mentality where something that is OPTIONAL in a singleplayer game has to be removed because someone might use it to make the game easier for themselves. Just don't use it and let others do what they want

What is game balance?

"Hey, let's just give players endless amounts of money whenever they want, it gives players options afterall."
"Let's give the player a skill that can instakill any enemy whenever they want, it's not broken, it's just optional"

lmao, a game that advertises itself as being an oldschool RPG experience "with a really good game master" ( Swen Vinckes words ) shouldn't be so easily breakable.

Last edited by Niklasgunner; 19/09/17 09:29 AM.