Your support character won't ever be using their wands/staff and Geo has some good damage/control spells (oil slow is really good and goes through magic armor) so my suggestion is to slap on a stat focused and and get the best shield you can at all times.

Toss two points into warfare via items or points and get deflection and shield toss. Shields up will restore a ton of shield with both hydro and geo, deflection gives you more bonus physical armor (cap increase too + reflects ranged projectiles) and stacks with fortify, and fortify, well, gives you even more armor.

This ends up making your mage incredibly tanky. In my current game I have an aero/geo mage with shield that wades through combat as if he were in plate because he can get himself to nearly 4k armor and I haven't even decided to memorize bonecage (more bonus armor) yet...

On top of all this reactive armor does high physical damage based on your current armor and shield throw is a 2 turn cool down damage ability that scales with your shield's armor stat... prioritizing my shield over wand it does more damage (almost 1k) than any of my two max point + bonus point school spells and is on a 2 turn cooldown... unlike every other spell ever.

Seriously, just Geo alone makes shield way better than staff or dual wand imo, and geo/hydro would be even more insane imo. Your mage will be the tankiest on the team, trust me, and still do some crazy damage while supporting (both geo and hydro have some good cc like cripple and slow).

Last edited by Nightmarian; 21/09/17 07:52 PM.