Originally Posted by Kultyz
i have the feeling they are taking a more aggressive stance towards DHL/Happyshops

I hope you're right, because my situation is getting worse.

Just as expected, GLS tracking sent me a warning today , something along the line of ;

"Oh wow, our delivery vehicle can't find your home! Damn, what a shame. You need to update your informations if you want us to deliver it to you!"

Oh, okay, how do I update my information?

"Call us. It's only 0.90€/min."

Yep, that's extortion alright. So before calling them (heh) I send an email to Happyshop.

"Sorry sir, nothing we can do. Call them."

So I gave in. Called them. It's not like I have a choice.


After 10 long, expensive and infuriating silent minutes later (9€) I can hear a voice on the phone.

Automatic answering machine.

I punch a hole in my wall.

So I call again. This time directly to the management.
Finally I can get my hands on someone.

"Sorry, we can't help you. But we have your tracking files. We're missing the NUMBER of your house. We have your street and your town tho."

okay. Can I just tell you my address again?

"Nah. You need to update your tracking information yourself on the website."

Alright. So I go on the website, put my tracking ID in it aaaand...

"/!\ We can't find your parcel in GLS database /!\"

kill me

Edit : So I called again. This time I wasn't as courteous as the first call. Gave her my phone number and called the warehouse directly.
They are supposed to deliver it tomorrow now. Fingers crossed. crazy

Last edited by Dopelgingembre; 26/09/17 02:45 PM. Reason: What a mess. And my english is still awful. Sorry.

Sauce Hunter