Kangaxx: I think that your group's problem is that you are trying to minmax the game by exploiting the respec option. That sounds like a chore.

Just roleplay and have fun! Don't try to discover everything everywhere on your first playthrough. Instead, stick to your characters' personalities and decisions!

The "everybody chooses option X (in your group X is thievery)"-problem is something that is very often discussed in Pen & Paper RPGs as well. However I found that in P&P, after you play one or two characters, you realize that exploiting and minmaxing every rule and ability is not the point of the game. The point is to get into your character, decide how he would decide, do things that might not be as strong as the other options but that tell a funnier or more engaging story.

Probably my most fun P&P character was a sharlatan that was fairly weak compared to the other characters in our group. He had loads of style and did everything in his own way, not caring about what others thought of him. The mage in our group constantly made fun of the sharlatan because he wasn't a combatant like the rest of the group, but in the end that mockery only added to that character's coolness and memorability.

To get back to DOS2: Allowing players to choose more civic abilities wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion. Civic abilities allow for fun replayability. I would rather have the devs remove the respec option altogether than making everyone a jack of all trades.

Last edited by Bokajon; 26/09/17 10:42 PM.