Originally Posted by PutCashIn
Now, I am struggling along at 4 fps waiting for the first major post release patch to fix all the issues (hopefully not the 'characters wander wherever' bug as it is so funny to see the Red Prince running over roof tops like he is practicing for the recent Assassins Creed sale on steam) with a game we paid 4 million dollars to fund, then brought again to play. Er....

However, I think a total new low in an encounter has been sighted. This is even more muppetish than the 'Balance the Weights' puzzle, which in all honesty is the dumbest thing out of Larian Studios, probably ever. (That's the puzzle that used mass, not weight, and DIDN'T BALANCE ANYTHING, just random masses on pressure pads. Unless .5lbs +1lb = 2lb + 10lb, which even in weird imperial units I doubt is maths).

So I find myself in a cave, where a'pon 4 giant 'frozen voidwoken' come up and freeze, web and kidnap my party to some further underground hell hole.

Now to a 14 year old DM in a DND 3rd or 5th (like, we don't talk about 4th edition, okay?) edition table top game, this MAY have seemed like a good idea.

Until, after running campaigns for some number of years, you begin to actually listen to the player characters.

Why didn't, whilst the 4 immortal, instant initiative, double stun blocking enemies web my frozen ass, JUST EAT MY HEAD whilst I was webbed and frozen?

Why even kidnap me when they could just have opened my abdominal cavity and laid eggs like some giant frozen wasp that they resemble?

Whomever made this encounter, please, don't think you can design your way out of a brown paper bag with directions towards the opening in it.

Just stop, now, before I have to laugh at you some more. T is for Troll. D is for Daft encounter idea.

They put triple CC on yo a$$ just to rub the salt in the wounds.

Also, EA purchasers through Steam got the game for free on release day... so WATCHU TALKIN' BOUT WILLIS

In my line of work, it's never a quiet day on the market.