Originally Posted by michaelgalt1984
So, I entered the Tomb, and go to talk to everyone. I submit to getting the source purged from me, and then stupid freaking Braccus starts with his bit. I interrupt him successfully... and then he proceeds to call the Kraken anyway.

Is there no way to convince him not to do that?

I read that it was possible. I don't understand why I am able to convince him to stop... yet he decides not to stop right after that...

If it really isn't avoidable, how the hell do I win? I can't touch the stupid Kraken, because it is too far for any character to attack... and then between Braccus and it, they inevitably AOE everyone to death with their ridiculously overpowered attacks...

This is pretty damn frustrating. I've tried a TON of different tactics, and every time end up getting wiped... and don't see any way around it. If I can't attack the Kraken, and stupid Braccus teleports all over... I don't see how I am supposed to win... not to mention, I even have Lucian and Dallis on my side... so, have additional help and it still isn't enough. Pretty pissed right now.

Hey there! Since it seems this didn't bug out for you, I would appreciate it greatly if you could briefly describe what actually happens once you submit to give away your source as in my plea in this topic:


Thanks in advance! smile