Originally Posted by Nezix
Originally Posted by Limz
This is easy.

Go to http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Default.aspx

Look up any Blue or Red (or both) cards that fits the theme.

You'd think after playing magic for ~19 years I would have thought of that. Doh!

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

But if I had to cobble up something real quick to flesh out the current ability set in OS2 I would first state the problem (in my case, I think defensive options need to be refined and all the schools need better choices) and then see how other games tackled it. MTG has the richest set of interactions and I would begin there and see if I could translate some of the things over there to here.

Also, MTG has a whole library of made up bullcrap and names. It's almost like a dictionary or thesaurus of abilities. The next thing I would look at would be something like a D&D source book.