I'm not going to speak for other people. Just myself. The armor system in this game is and always will be an exceptionally poor idea. There was no good reason why armor was changed at all. The RNG from the first game was not nearly as bad as this problem now. The game is no less cheesier yet way more prohibitive in terms of what builds you make on Tactician. This is a showstopper as far as I'm concerned. Considering I logged almost 800 hours in the first game and 90 hours in this one since launch I think says a lot. I simply do not enjoy this game and the numbers prove it.

It sucks. I really wanted to like this one and I think I would have if this armor idea was binned before release. The game has a lot of value behind it and some incredibly beautiful work. Lots of people worked hard on this game and it's a damn shame that one bad idea is destroying the perception of that hard work.

Hopefully they revisit this idea, bin it proper and give us something that improves on willpower from the first game.