Hi I'm a total noob to Divinity and even after reading various guide and wiki skill I'm still completly lost.

I'd like to make a rogue focused around control and magic using if possible. Anyone know a good build for that ? Is going 1h + barehand for sucker punch worth it ?

By control I mean a rogue who will focus on CC and Debuffing rather then insane burst.

I've heard its bether to have 2 physical and 2 magical dmg user to deal with shielding so here is the team composition I plan to play:

Physical tank
Rogue (either physical or ele)
Mage like user (healer + elemental dmg)
Then depending on rogue dmg type I'll either make another mage or an archer.

Its my first time so I'll just play on normal difficulty.

Any help will be apreciated. Thanks.

Last edited by Varlak; 13/10/17 04:17 PM.