Originally Posted by MadDemiurg

I never used scrolls or any consumables for that matter, the game is not difficult enough for that on tactician. Yeah I guess you can craft a bunch of tp scrolls and with empty hand + wand and that "scrolls cost less AP" talent to teleport pretty much the whole screen of enemies together and then nuke them with something. Do you need it? No. Yes, init goes round robin, so a single enemy will get their turn between your #1 and #2. Did it ever cause me any problems? No. If you're so worried about that single enemy doing something to your party (lol) you can still have up to 6 AP to deal with him on Fane's turn after spending 3 AP (haste + timewarp) to boost your #2, that's more than enough to blackshroud + web him if all else fails even if you can't break his armor and CC him for these 6 AP, which is rarely the case.

Your logic is still utterly retarded you realize that? You're still giving the chance of something happening versus reducing the chance to zero. Why would I risk being Meteored when I can ensure that it doesn't happen and take out 2-3+ mobs with me on my first turn? Why would I want to memorize Blackshroud and Web when I can just cluster and kill or do a hard CC on all of them? You're taking extra steps and letting them have a chance to recover however large or small. You can't justify that.

If we're being fucking lazy, then Fane + Time Warp turn one. Grats, you proved my point. Less clicks, less characters to bother with, less everything.

If we're not being lazy, and we're being optimal, then again Fane + Time Warp turn one with more clicks, and more set up time.

At the end of the day because of how the game is, if you're playing by the meta, there's no reason not to have Fane go first. If you're playing suboptimal, which by the way you are, then sure fuck it. Anything goes.