Originally Posted by MadDemiurg
I've played both LW and non LW, although I've only played non LW on tactician, but I'm pretty confident I could do non LW honour as well after 2 playthroughs, the game is not that difficult if you know the fights, since pretty much all reloads come from being unprepared (and the 2nd half of the game is just steamrolling everything anyway if you have decent builds). I just don't want to go for another playthrough with the current state of combat balance, cause it's pretty damn boring unless you somehow artificially challenge yourself I guess. I never said that LW is not easier, it is, and it's one of the other things I'd like to see nerfed.

Trust me, LW playthroughs are a breeze. I beat the game on a 4-man Honour Mode playthrough and every fight is intense. LW makes the game boring, it's actually crazy. I seriously recommend to you to try it out, especially with some friends. Listening to your friends over VoIP scream with anticipation (and often begging the NPCs to not kill one of us, LOL) is extraordinary. 4-man is what the game was definitely balanced around.

Originally Posted by MadDemiurg
I usually communicate politely, but don't expect people to treat you nicely if you start throwing around words like "clown" or "kid" for no reason.

I could respond to your other comments, but I don't think we can have a productive conversation here, so let's agree to disagree.

And if you think devs are not listening, why are you even spending time on this forum and especially in the feedback section, when it's a complete waste?

A girl was having a bad day, what can I say? There's SO MANY threads on this subject and it gets tiring hearing the same complaints over and over again; use the search function, holy smokes. I never cried that I wanted to be treated nicely - not once. Again, never implied that; just pointed out your contradiction about you complaining. It's the Internet, people will get salty for a variety of reasons, it's the spice of life.

Although, I have to say, 'clown' and 'kid' are hardly insults. Unless you're a child clown and are triggered by this. In which case, are you kidding me? It's not like I told you to go fuck yourself. smile

Never said it was a waste, don't put words in my mouth. I just said they don't care. It's still interesting to hear new ideas and discuss what changes we like, even if they never get implemented or heard by the development team. They stated they "truly appreciate" our feedback, but not enough to grace us with a logical or even mathematical theorem on why their way is the best way.

Okay; agreed. Was fun hearing your thoughts, even though you didn't fully actualize all of my content, I understand I get too 'spicy'. smile

Originally Posted by Fumihiko
Wow, half-way though this thread I gave up. Too long posts, too much hating.

Not everything must be perfectly equal. If you think physical damage is superior, then think of it as easy mode.

Also, are there enemies with physical weakness? I sure think that a lot of mobs have one or two magical weaknesses.

Too long posts? Get lost, tbh.
Too much hating? That was maybe, maybe 5% of the content.
Mustn't be perfectly equal? Uh, it's called balance. If no one chooses option B, then what's the point in it even being developed if you don't care enough to make it work?

No one cares if you can't handle reading and intense debate. It's the Internet and you're on a forum, why are you even here? What did you expect? Rhetorical, I don't care.

Last edited by Alexstrasza; 02/11/17 06:49 PM.