Originally Posted by Stabbey
[Necromancy] Healing from Blood Sucker should work like Mosquito Swarm and Necro Passive
Why? - Right now, Mosquito Swarm and the healing from the passive ability both count as "neutral" healing, they always heal regardless whether the person is Undead or under Decaying Touch. Blood Sucker, is treated as positive healing, so it does harm those under Decaying Touch (and maybe Undead too). This is inconsistent behavior.
Suggested Change: Therefore - unless the blood is Cursed, of course - Blood Sucker should also be treated like Neutral healing (always works). Cursed blood should probably be treated as harmful regardless of Undead or Decaying status.

I agree with most of the things you say, but I disagree with this one.

Blood sucker + decaying touch is a damage combo for necromancer. It is supposed to work with other skills that create large blood pools (blood rain, bloated corpse, bleeding from mosquito swarm).

Necromancer suffers from the lack of damage option within its own school, taking away the above damage combo would make this school feels even worse.

I know, decay+regeneration is almost always a better and more consistent damage output, but with some number tweaks, Blood Sucker/Decay can give some nasty burst damage, compared to the pseudo DOT from Regen/Decay

Last edited by waterzxc; 11/11/17 01:28 AM.