Apologies for being absent for a while. I had a terribly nasty flu a while back, enjoyed some PUBG as I was recovering from that (which also consequentially left me with a torn up lung, bleeding and yadda yadda). I have been in Vietnam for a while, and still find myself here while restoring my sanity and getting some life inspiration.

I'll be returning the 17th of April, carrying a covered Masterclass on writing, storytelling and more of which I'll begin to stream more frequently while applying this new inspiration, knowledge and insight to use.

Prior to all of this, I finished making the quest/storyline of obtaining the ship, and made a few minor alterations to the original DOS2 story to fit into the new narrative. Example of this being...

... Gareth is no longer to be found in his usual spot, but there may be something else to be found in his place. This is one of a few new things that will play a part in the final battle of Fort Joy.

Thank you all for being so patient. It's been a learning curve and a journey, part of me can't wait to return from Vietnam and finish the rest. The signups for playtesting is still up, I didn't get to round things up as fast as I could, as I discovered a few "holes" needing to be filled first. But I'll keep you updated.