V4Skunk and more of the same.
the problem isnt that its not hard enaugh. its that when its hard, you pause constantly and constantly micromange your positioning.
Instead of making descisions with lasting impact, you constantly make micro adjustments.
And im sorry, but how does any of the "tactical" things you discribe BG having not exist in OS2, somehow i think you do what you accuse other people of doing: you havent actually played it.

good grief, will you never shut up with those little jabs at me?

Alright, so you sitll dont get it after giving you two very obvious examples.
So let me try again maybe ill get through your willfully ignorant thick skull.

In RTWP, you can give commands in a smaller increment of time as constitutes one round in DnD. I dont know how simpler i can make this point, i hope even you understand this.
This leads to gameplay in which instead of letting what constitutes to one turn in DnD.
In 2E a Round (a turn beeing made out of several rounds) is 6 seconds long.
In RTWP , you can give inputs more ofthen that in 6 seconds intervals, this means that you can adjust your movements more ofthen than you can in DnD or a turn based game, this means you have more options in the sense of different kind of moves you can take.

And youve figured one part of the argument out, i dont like Micromanagement.
You still however failed to see the other very very simple point im making.

Micromanagement is not the same as tactics. Constantly adjusting your party in micro increments to what the enemy is doing, is not particulary tactical gameplay.
its reactive gameplay.
You constantly can make the "Ideal" move, its just very very tedious to do so.

And now you can say ok but thats not yur definition of tactics, but bear with me here for a while
Cause that was the very simple point that you somehow wanted me to make complicated:

In a turn based game, you observe the situation, you plot the correct course and you execute an action.
Then you see your action play out and see if your gambits paid off.
In a RTWP game, you judge the current battleifeld situation and react to it, then, you immediatly pause again to see the enemy reaciton, and you adjust your maneuver accordingly.

Do you see the fundamental difference here?
And do you see why one of these would be judged as superior by someone who enjoys thinking about his actions before he does them?