Kaspar maybe you should have read it to gain some insight then.
The "Hot rods" as you refer to it were made up by WOTC not Larian, and they realy arent in any way contradictory to anyhting in the lore or the tone of it.
The entire point of the Blood War is to be over the top and at the end of the day pointless.
The more you go into the outer planes, the sillier things tend to get. Go look up Modrons.

I personally consider Minsc to be a very specific kind of silly, the kind of silly that doenst take whats going on seriously, and that kind of silly can be poison for the tone.
Which is entierly my point, anyone complaining about the tone of Divinity, in comparison to baldurs gate is either blinded by nostalgia or simply lying.

Yeah i made that comment deliberatley because of your snie comment regarding "single sentance settigns".
Dark sun also isnt just "DnD but mad max"
Dark Sun actually goes into a lot of Detail about the different city states of the sorceror kings, about how society iis shaped, about how surivval works and about why the world became the way it is. its not a gimmick, ts a well fleshed out setting.
The same can be said about Eberron. Its not jus "DnD noir", you can run an entire game in Sharn.
You can run an entire game in an expedition to Xen drik.
You can make an entire campaign just out of the Ring of Storms.
If you sum up Thay, you can say its a country ruled by evil Wizards, its not wrong, its just disingenuous.