I agree, Some might say that'd be an easy way the cheese gold, but I don't think it's a bad idea. In D&D you could earn X gold for X hours dependent on your skills and venue. Say you put on a 15 minute performance that wouldn't be game breaking you'd be making anywhere between 15-100 gold and if you could do it once a (in-game) day that'd be perfectly fine. One of the things I absolutely LOVED about Red Dead Redemption II was the theater. You pay to go see a show and you'd see an actual show. In one you actually participate by shooting the actor. It was a marvel to behold! Genuinely! The in game theater alone made that game of the year in my book. The story was good too, but honestly (and i'm sure many did the same) I spent most of my time hunting. All RPGs should take after that. Really bring you into the "Role" of a role playing game like that! I think playing or listening to a tale from a bard would be good or watching a detailed dance performance by a dancer.

I'm a bit giddy thinking about it all *_*

Last edited by Madaras; 02/03/20 12:25 AM.