I couldn’t agree more with OP.

Actually, even if i've played to old BG games, i'm not a "Nostalgia guy", in general...
I'm here because i know Larian make absolutely loving RPG ( and the only ones who provide good toolset / GM mode ) , and if i was, at the beginning not against a BG title by them, i'm actually worrying about how toxic fandoms will respond to the game, knowing they'll NEVER be satisfied ( i've already how they can be relentless to destoy a game they dont like, even if the game is basically good, just not "for them" , with Fallout saga just for the example ).

Review bombing, endless bad buzz.... peoples, especially old bitter angry geeks can be awfull now on internet.

And larian 's a small studio, i dont know if they can get out of this kind of bullying without serious repercussions.

This is why, since i'm not so attached to BG saga, i'll prefer finally if this game was an another D&D game without a famous name. It would keep away all those raging people.

BG will stay dead, but honestly, i dont care ( like i dont care either if it's revive ), i just want Larian continue to do wonderfull games like DoS2, and i'm afraid of the futur for them if this last game got over-criticized ( even more if it's just because of expectations that cannot be met , because they're they idealize too much an old game of their memory.. )

So yes, agreed with the OP, not for BG 's name but instead for Larian protection.

Last edited by The Storyteller; 02/03/20 02:51 PM.