Originally Posted by Raze

There are updates to the UI in the works. In general the underlying mechanics need to be implemented and tested before too much work is put into the UI, or any changes in the mechanics could require changes to the UI, as well.

Would be nice to see some callbacks to BG1/2 in the UI design. Obviously not in any ways to this game's detriment, but perhaps in style (art and layout both) that don't clash horrendously with Larian's overall consistency with the game's style.

If there is to be minimal narrative connection (not saying that's the case, just don't know, but available interviews suggest, but not confirm, it's minimal), a more visual connection can have a significant impact on that feeling that this is indeed the next Baldur's Gate game.

Not at all suggesting trying to translate the UI from BG1/2 in any functional or direct sense, just visual callbacks and hints of what came before without sacrificing the utility and function of this game.