Originally Posted by korotama
The more recent Fire Emblem titles should be up your alley then. They're turn-based too.

If geared towards me, I'm not actually a huge fan of turn-based or RTwP. I'm more of a FPP/TPP gamer since it's what I grew up with. I think the most hours I have in games are Halo, MW2, BF3 and R6S. Though Fallout 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time.

I play RTwP and turn-based games more for the fact that they tend to be the better RPGs, but not so much for the combat systems (though it's nice to feel the progression). Fire Emblem never struck me as a game I'd say, "Wow I gotta buy that". Is it a good RPG with a good story/lore?