Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by kyrthorsen
This is really not about the engine. But to make the game practically IDENTICAL to DOS2??

It was not made to look like D:OS 2, and there are significant differences. During development, games don't start off looking like the final state. The first presentations of D:OS 2 looked like D:OS 1 in a lot of respects, as well. As the core components / systems get finished, and assets are created, they get added to the game.
The save system wasn't added yet in the build used in the presentation, so why do you assume the lighting and camera systems, character models, et al, are finished?

Are you kidding or what?

DOS2 looks a lot like DOS1, the same art style, the same map style, the same story-telling style, the same combat, same items etc.

And now GUESS WHAT - BG3 will have he same art style, the same map style, the same story-telling style, the same combat, same items AS DOS2.

The only tiny little problem with this is that BG is not DOS, and BG3 is actually DOS3.

Of course the Larian fanboys in the house LOVE the fact that DOS3 in disguise as BG3 is being produced.

On the other hand normal people that liked BG games are SHOCKED and STUNNED by the audacity of Larian to sell snake oil like this and promote blatant FALSE ADVERTISING.