
I'm having the dark graphics issue on an up-to-date version of Catalina (on a late 2013 iMac with integrated Intel graphics - old machine, but working like a breeze for everything else...)

I had the adark graphics issue, but I read your post too late... I already had applied general video settings...
When I remove again HDR from the options, image is all dark (like posterized), when I activate it again it just totally contrasted and weird (see the 2 images below) and I can't change the HDR settings anymore... Well, I CAN, but the brightness is maxed and contrats is min, so I can't make it better. I suppose it's the known bug you were talking about ?
Problem is that i can't revert it to try what you explain... I tried to uninstall the whole game (even manually removing the pref files) and reinstall it from scratch, but the new installation had kept the HDR settings... it seems those HDR settings are stored elsewhere...

I tried everything I could think of, but I must confess I'm stuck...

Thanks for your help !

Here are 2 screenshots :

Originally Posted by Raze

Please update or upgrade to Mojave (or Catalina, if possible). The red tint and graphical artifacts are a known driver issue with some Intel graphics (Iris based, or integrated graphics earlier than Haswell), which should be fixed with the OSX 10.14.4 update or later.

The screen being very dark is a known issue if HDR is enabled on a system that does not support it. Hold the Cmd button on game startup to get to the configuration menu where you can disable HDR again.

If both your GPU and display have HDR support, this may also be an issue with the settings. To calibration HDR:
- Ensure you have Automatic Brightness Adjustments enabled (System Preferences/Display)
- Go to Options->HDR settings
- Start with Max Brightness and Min Contrast
- Press ‘Apply’
- DON’T apply general video settings. Just click close button and Discard the settings; there is a known bug with this
- next, adjust the HDR Brightness/Contrast settings to your preference (note that there is a known issue with this that can result in the changes not being applied, which should be fixed in a future game update)