Originally Posted by vometia
I'm reminded of the earlier versions of DOS which gave ~90⁰ rotation.

That's one of those unholy ideas every one takes from FiraXCOMs. Free camera rotation is a must have mode in any game that does that. I am pretty sure, D:OS got over that phase by the time I got to play it.

Originally Posted by vometia

Some time after that, I played Tyranny which really did feel a little constrained for my tastes since it was olde worlde sprites painted onto a static 2d background.

PoE1 and Tyranny are quite static. I think PoE2 did a lot to liven up the world a bit and improve on visual fidelity. Still, "perspective projection" games aren't forced to use pre-rendered backgrounds - one can have 3d assets and still use perspective projection/isometric/whatever-the-correct-term-is view (think Starcraft 2 or Civ5). Meh, I don't mind either way, and classic isometric view is really bad in communicating verticallity in maps - something that upcoming RPGs play with a lot it seems.