Personally I would like:
- A freely movable camera, so you can see everything.
- a button to turn on/off if the camera follows your char, off means you move camera with moving mouse to the end of the screen or with direction buttons
- The option to see the word through your characters eyes, even if it is just a button to look around when you are standing still.

This way you can "simulate" anything, from a "over the shoulder camera following the char" to a fixed top down/isometric camera.
The videos show that you need to move the camera a lot because maps can be very vertical and enemies, treasures etc. can be in any direction.

In D:OS the chain mechanic was annoying and I wished for the controls from the IE games.
I played only single player.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: