- about controlling only the main char:

In theFallout games and Arcanum you controlled only your char and your party members did whatever they want. The original Fallouts and Arcanum were turn based. (Arcanum was almost unplayable in real time combat for me). OK, I admit that the party members often acted very stupid. In F3 a companion jumped down a cliff to chase after an enemy. He disappeared in the distance and I never saw him again. Since then I played F3 and New Vegas only solo, I did not play later Fallouts.

I absolutely want to control ALL of my party members in BG3. But there are turn based games where you can control only your main char and I am not totally against the OPTION to play this way as long as you also have the option to control all chars.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: