Originally Posted by Madscientist

In theFallout games and Arcanum you controlled only your char and your party members did whatever they want. The original Fallouts and Arcanum were turn based. (Arcanum was almost unplayable in real time combat for me).

But there are RPGs and there are RPGs. BG1&2 are party based RPGs. Fallout and Arcanum are not.

Also combat in traditional Tim Cain design has a different role to play then in BGs. In Fallout1&2 and Arcanum combat is one of the ways of engaging with the world, not a core feature. You can have a character who is good in fight, one who is charismatic - then companions can do the beating for you. Combat in Fallout1&2 and Arcanum is pretty awful by itself, but it's not a main gameplay loop - I played through Fallout2 without participating in combat myself. Later fallouts are entirely different beast, mixing in action RPG gameplay style.

DnD, on the other hand, originated in wargames. DnD cRPG were always heavily focused on combat, and while occasionally skippable it is one of the main gameplay loops - in BG1&2 the most robust gameplay loop by far, and it's design revolves around party interactions.