Pretty sure it´s you the one that draw a line between "DnD nerds" and "the others" and "People that like RP" and "Combat nerds" and i´m sure there are plenty of people that could be both. Me included.
If you just want to enjoy the story and nothing else, you just have to lower the difficulty so the complexity of the system do not thwart your gameplay experience and you can play whatever character you want without worrying about anything else. But let the others enjoy the full D&D3e experience with all the features possible.
Almost all games have that in 2020: Easy mode? Story mode?, etc.
I do not really understand what exactly is your complaint. Seems to me you´re just creating illusionary barriers for people that simply like different things, trying to focus the discussion about the game into things you like, while diminishing the opinions of other people using derisive terms at the same time.
Too many threads about builds, rules and tactical combat in the forum for your taste? Well, Don´t read them. Simple.

Since when a robust character creation and gameplay mechanics has to do with how a good story is made? Different departments, different people, mate.

One does not take away from the other, they´re unrelated. You could have a good story and character creation; but crappy graphics and weird combat mechanics, like "Arcanum", and games with incredible character creation and good combat but a terrible story like "Grandia 3"; and games that have great story and character creation/combat mechanics but the controls are weird like VTM: Bloodlines. Luckily there´s modders to fix that, may the great Spaghetti protect them all.

You´re worried about the quality of the story, rp options, exploration, etc? Cool, join the club.
But they can work in a good story AND into a good implementation of the D&D ruleset because that´s unrelated, and if the story of BG3 is not up to the standards you have in the end; that would not be because the consultant of Wotc and one of the designers were doing extra calculations for battlemaster maneouvers or abjurator´s barrier. You can safely blame the writing department.

And before you draw the "budget card", BG3 already have the ruleset made by WoTC, they do not have to do that from scratch like in other games (PoE, tyranny, etc), so they only have to implement them.

Last edited by _Vic_; 18/07/20 12:01 AM.