Originally Posted by Imryll

Sequel or not, you always have a better chance of enjoying a new game if you don't approach it with a list of features it must and must not have, but a willingness to experience it on its own terms.. Whether BG 3 will feel like a "real" BG game is likely to depend largely on what appealed to you in the originals--and that clearly varies from person to person.

That's a bit disingenuous, when a game is being sold as a "sequel" - in other words sellling the game to the audience, because they already liked previous games in the series. Wanting a benefit that comes with using an existing IP and yet dodging expectations that come with it, does sound like a very one-sided deal. I think it is one thing to thrust expectations on someone else (like: you made such games before and I expect you to make the same game over and over again), another is willingly taking on an existing IP.

If Larian wouldn't welcome comparisons to BG1&2, they shouldn't have taken the IP - new Larian game in DnD setting is fine in itself.