Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Iamblitzwing
I don't know, I think I prefer having the gap in between BG1 and BG2 than this new story thrown in.

I think the concept is sound - there is a narrative gab between BG1&2 that can be explored. But 15 years is a long time and BG status, design style and writing style has change a lot. It would take a very fine touch to create new content for BG that wouldn't feel out of place, and from what I have seen and heard Beamdog didn't quite nail that.

I would say this is subjective. I liked SoD and thought Beamdog did a pretty decent job with that game. Same thing with the EEs and the added content and companions in those games. Some of those companions I liked and others I didn't, just like with the vanilla games. For me, the issue is that after 20 years of replaying those games so many times, I am ready to move on to other games. That's why replaying the IE games has now given way to replaying the PoE games and P:Km.