It is 100% everyone's own personal choice to be offended by words. There are some horribly despicable words out there, yes, but they are still words and if you place any importance on other people opinions, especially people who mean nothing to you, you are going to live a very offended, insulted, and unhappy life.

For the life of me I can't fathom why Larian would need to hire "sensitivity readers". What do they do? Make sure to represent a certain 'group' correctly? That's not possible as there is no norm, right? Isn't that the thing today? anyone can be anything they want? There is no 'normal' queer behavior, voice, or belief system. I know just as many gay men that don't push their feminine qualities to the edge and you would never know they were gay. There are too many people of any 'walk of life' to generalize in a specific fashion. So lets just let Larian make their game, offer whatever feedback you want during EA if you buy it, and calm down on the sensitivity talk. If you want to choose to be offended that's on you.