>N-no you
try harder.
Im not the one making demands here.
What i am is sick of this.

If youre such a victim. Why do you even show up? arent you afraid to get dogpiled for your stunnign and brave opinions? By nature of the gaming community?
Or do you know that you have the force fo the Zeitgeist behind you and disagreeing with you can get you banned in plenty of places.
Im thinking what youre doing here is testing the waters and looking how far you can push this.
How far you can go till you meet resistance.
How much backing youve got from the moderators.

Becuase ultimatley this is a power play.

its actually very interresting. Youve got the force of the implied moral outrage on your side. As long as nobody voices their opinion, the spiral of silence will entrench what you say further.
Obviously the gaming community is mean and racist. Thats a truism. From that we can infer that video games are influenced by said mean community.

thats the logic were supposed to follow here and its all based on everyone agreeing on a premise thats not true.