Personally I think even just being allowed five companions out of however many potential companions would more or less erase the issue for me. At least that way you can have two companions in reserve to switch out if your current party composition isn't enough to get you through a combat. I just feel like the small party size and then a fixed party after Act 1 forces players to stick with more optimal builds for their parties and it discourages taking risks with character designs. I feel it gives players less margin for error. For instance in PoE 1 and 2, I like giving my characters high resolve, even when resolve isn't a stat that directly helps make the character better in her niche. I also like to alternate my party members and play less optimal parties with characters I find particularly interesting when I know the combat challenge won't be too intense, then bringing a more balanced party for serious encounters. I'd be a lot more constrained in BG3 by the sound of it. But then I suppose that sort of thing is what Story difficulty is for.