Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I'm just gonna voice my personal opinion on the matter and say that question doesn't really need an answer. Obviously if the creators of a game can give a good, narratively satisfying answer that's the better course of action, but at the same time it's a game, there's a suspension of disbelief inherent in the buy-in of the game. Am I alone in thinking this issue really isn't a big deal? If it matters to you then okay, I obviously want you to have games that line up with your sensibilities, but I genuinely am surprised that so many people see companions hanging back at camp due to party size limitations as an actual thing worth remarking on.

Well, I guess it comes down to the fact some people think games should be made for them. Because they are paying for a product, it should satisfy everything they expect from it. But truly, unless you make it yourself, it will never be exactly how you would want it to be. And so, according to the level to tolerance each of us have, some will whine more than others, even on things they can only speculate about because they have not the slightest idea how it's gonna be in the final release.

Last edited by Nyanko; 24/09/20 09:29 PM.