Originally Posted by Apocynum
Originally Posted by LoneSky

"Family elders are expressing disapproval of you to the rest of the family. Do you:

Accept the criticism and change your ways
Seek a compromise with the elders
Besmirch the reputation of the elders as you ignore their scorn
Silence the elders any way you can"

It might be a crude test, but this question is transparently asking about the law/chaos axis. A respected, traditional authority disagrees with you. Do you:

A.) Bow to authority? (Lawful)
B.) Seek compromise with authority? (Neutral)
C.) Reject authority? (Chaotic)
D.) Murder authority because you disagree? (Chaotic Evil)

Pretty straightforward.

It's nothing but straightforward though in my humble opinion. I wish it was. I will approach this as someone who wants to do what is right, what is good, and that is very much relative in itself, because until we can see the full results of our actions, we can't know if our choice was good. So I "try" to be good, can't do more - but let's just consider it that for this test I aim to be "good" (as in as good as possible)
Family elders can be right but also can be just as wrong, and thus the conclusions depend on that vital part that isn't specified.

1. if they are right: your reactions can be rated as you listed above

2. if they are wrong however;
Accept the criticism and change your ways
> you are a sheep if you do this, stand up and do what is right instead
Seek a compromise with the elders
> this more likely, but again depends on what is this about, can allow a compromise or must defy them, because doing what is right it's above everything else
Besmirch the reputation of the elders as you ignore their scorn
> never do this obviously, even if they wrong, but help them instead correct that wrong, if possible
Silence the elders any way you can
> same as previous

Same for the rest, must be made clear if the that law is good, that king is right and so on -- because obeying a bad law doesn't make you lawful, there are just bad words for that, and you can't be good if you are part of that greater evil that is corrupt authority, bad laws and rotten elderly traditions; the source of everything wrong in a society that just follows blindly.

Last edited by LoneSky; 29/09/20 02:25 PM.