Originally Posted by Ayediosmio
Multi-player does not work in Stadia; clicking Multiplayer briefly shows the lobby screen before freezing and then crashing to a Stadia error that the game has glitched. Had this occur in Chrome browser (Version 85.0.4183.121 Official Build 64-bit) and on mobile (Pixel 3).

When starting the game you are not prompted to create a Larian account as is required in other platforms. I went to Larian.com, created an account, and linked my Stadia account to Larian. Signed out of Stadia, signed back in, verified Larian listed as a 3rd-party with access. No change, still cannot enter multiplayer

Potentially related, the Profiles selection in the main menu does not do anything. On other platforms, you must create a profile to click Multiplayer. I am neither prompted to do so, nor can manual click Profiles in order to make one.

Been trying for the last 30 minutes to do multiplayer and like you have the same issues.