Whilst we might lose chapter 1 companions, has it even been mentioned about later on?
You telling me there won’t be other potential companions in other acts that you meet?

I just think there is too little information right now. Doesn’t mean one shouldn’t discuss potentials of course...

For my part I understand both sides. I like a varied cast, however one thing that always bugged me about companions at camp was what the bejeezus were they doing whilst I was getting my arse handed to me by a bunch of (insert encounter here). If anything BG1&2 had it right with your party with you at all times. So from an immersion aspect, unless there is specific story elements added to cater for it, I prefer it if there aren’t several layabouts back at camp magically levelling up whilst me and my buddies of choice do all the work.

NPC’s who Tag along for other reasons and are at a communal point come evening fine.
The idea of mercenaries filling party roles also works fine for me too. I have my core story characters and we have our adventure, share every moment and grow. If I need a third for a particular mission, I’m ok hiring one.

But that’s just me.