Originally Posted by golw
Considering character creation spans multiple races, and includes totally different personas depending on the player's vision, fully voiced main characters seems really difficult, if not impossible without some big tradeoffs. You could be playing a dwarf man or woman, a heroic older paladin man, or a sniveling creepy necromancer. The voice options mean a lot for all of this. If you look at games like Neverwinter Nights, the dialogue was not voiced, but there were several dozen voice packs to pick from which would include battle lines and greetings, discoveries and other things, which would provide distinction to your character. Having all of these options in a custom character would be difficult in Baldur's Gate 3.

That said, it doesn't mean it can't be done. Having 2 actors voice every single possible line of dialogue just to get a male and a female, is a huge undertaking. Expanding that to four, or six, or eight is tremendous.

The funny thing about this is that its the cinematics that make the current system not work. Having closeups on faces and just picking a dialogue line that isn't spoken, followed by fully voiced dialogue everywhere else is really immersion breaking. It doesn't ruin the game, but it ends up making it so that I feel Larian should scrap all full voice acting for consistency.

Voiced characters would be better, but with the camera angles and closeups, it really disjoints me seeing my character refrain from talking.

I think a really good example is Dragon Age 2 and 3 (yes, 1 was better overall but the cinematics in 2 and 3 were hands down better), or even the Mass Effect series.
These games have a fully animated and voiced character that you create yourself.
Again, I know its expensive but man it would be so worth it in my opinion - particularly in a game where story and choices is so important.