What are your computer specs? I see no "thinking" at all done by the NPCs. They execute their turn immediately. The problem is that when there are 100 spiders, then you have to wait for 100 turns & animations to complete before your next action, so you either sit around watching your screen for 10 minutes or go make a cup of cofee.

Edit: On the inventory topic, it looks exactly like the inventory menu they designed for consoles for DOS2. It sucks and I hope they fix it, but I doubt it'll change. It's really frustrating not being able to see equipped items while you're messing with inventory. In most cRPGs you'd be able to see equipped items of the selected character, plus full inventory of your party, or at least inventory of the selected character. In BG3 we get the worst possible option. Inventory of the character's equipped items, or a separate screen of all inventory items that covers your screen so you can't move, and then there are no sorting options or anything (that I see) even though you're in a dedicated inventory screen.

Last edited by Lindon; 08/10/20 10:13 AM.