Originally Posted by Dr Darkspeed
Just from an emotional standpoint, I think I'd prefer to see the base DC and then have my bonuses added to my roll. Either seperately after the roll or maybe by changing the numbers on the die? Just because, I think it would be clearer that my character succeeded in doing something difficult because they are an expert (or have help, magical or otherwise), rather than my character doing something that looks easy without any instant indication that other people would have found it much harder to do.

That would give me validation that the choices I made in picking skills had a concrete effect and clearly show me when that lets me do soemthing I would have failed at otherwise.

Yes, this is a very real thing. The current design basically hides your character's level skill and makes skill checks look like it's just an arbitrary dice roll. It's kinda preventing you from feeling awesome or seeing your character development.

Last edited by Khorvale; 09/10/20 01:09 PM.