Originally Posted by LizNuzz
My humble question is: How?

I do not have a large game library to "prove my experience" in combat video games, but I like to think I'm not too shabby of a tactician. Most (not all, but most) fights kill my entire party several times. And even though I've hit the hihest archieveable level as of now, I still for the love of god cannot win the fight against the spider matriarch and her two accompaning phase spiders. This game, of course, leaves a lot to luck since everything is based on dice rolls, but still...
Care to share your superior game combat knowledge?

I pulled the Spider fight off at level 3 without any prior knowledge or preparation, but it was a nailbiter. There was a lot of shoving, pushing and shooting web-bridges involved laugh
Mobility, versatility and environmental awareness are generally the key points for controlling an engagement. Lots of people make the mistake to commit to a crappy position and just hope they can brute force the enemy to death but that won't work if you're at a tactical disadvantage.

As for topic: I feel like increasing the game resource drain somehow, limiting long rest opportunities somehow, and making more than 1 short rest possible in-between long rests are the 3 key points to balancing out the resources/encounters/rest balance. Maybe difficulty levels will help too.

Last edited by Khorvale; 11/10/20 03:24 PM.