Originally Posted by Divine Star
This post SO much.

I love spending hours upon hours on character customization, and what made this worse is the jab Larian sent to the community for the 'Community Created Character' being boring. Truthfully I stick to playing half-elf male/female because they have the prettier presets. The other presets and faces are boring or unappealing to me. If the community is creating something boring it means that we're not being given a wide range of options to explore our created. I would LOVE sliders. I would LOVE more character presets. I want to see varying eye shapes, nose shapes, mouth shapes, and body types. The hair does look amazing, keep it up!

Yeah, this - I understand Larian was having a bit of fun, but please actually offer a wide variety of customization options if you want more interesting stuff generated. That face in that community created character is probably one of the better looking presets so of COURSE everyone is gonna use it. We need a lot more options.