Originally Posted by Abits
Originally Posted by blindhamster
Originally Posted by wildelight
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit

Keep "tell my story" but also give me options like "there was this time in chapel when we were supposed to be entirely silent . . ."

I wonder if there's a way for Character Creator to let us select a few memories? Like a list of "what were the most defining events in your life" (Sorcerer/Wizard Example Choice: "That time I accidently exploded my sister's cat"). Rather than having to code for all variations and background minutia, which devs claimed was too much (understandably), several preset "short stories" could be selected and then brought up in dialogue. These could be mixed and matched depending on background, and would help with the feeling I got that the "conversations" I had with companions weren't simply monologues for them to talk about, well, themselves. Which is fine, because they're all way cooler and more interesting than my character, who couldn't even share how/why she became a warlock to Diet Cthulu.

I don't need to be the Chosen One/Gorion's Ward or anything--but it's hard not to feel like I won't be missing out by not playing as a companion. Whom are all, so far, a little *too* special?
Even Shadowheart, the one I loved for being a semi-normal non-special cleric to an evil deity, has some glowy stuff happening. And amnesia, which automatically makes her 40% main protagonist material right there.

How did my character get grouped in these folks? Why are they listening to anything I say when it's seems one of them should be the leader?? Why are they agreeing to go back to my camp and just trusting me to get stuff done? There's no compelling reason for them to follow me, even if we're all seeking the same thing.

I adore Gale (and all the other companions except Lae'zel, whom I'm going to give another shot), but it is true that my character Blanky Tav McBlanderson feels out of her league given all her travel companions have interesting backstories/secrets/superpowers.
Even the tadpole ability I got was centered around them.
The only thing my character had that made her unique (other than my unacknowledged backstory for her) was being the only tiefling in the camp, which I'm sure will change once more companions are introduced and a there's a "more special" tiefling.

As much as I love the companions and their writing . . . it is wearying to feel so constantly overshadowed. If Larian can't make my custom character special . . . can I at least have another rando to commiserate with? Maybe a bartender from The Blushing Mermaid who is equally unnerved by our head worm and travelling partners. Because if the rest of the companions are also suuuuper unique, I could see myself quickly becoming exasperated with a well-written crew whom I'd otherwise love.

This 100%. It's a HUGE issue with D:OS2 as well IMO, the origin characters have a load of work put into them, and if you make your own, you're a pretty blank slate by comparison. IMO They really need to drop the origin character thing, make these true NPCs (they can keep their crazy backstories) then have custom character have a far more central and important role to the actual main plot than they do. Again, doesn't need to be quite on the BG level of child of a god etc, but make the protagonist feel like a protagonist without playing someone elses pretty horrible character..

yes. Ditch the concept of companions main characters and make some origins for your main (like in DAO, but less extensive).

Would love this. Companions only as NPCs and a more fleshed out custom character experience, less overshadowed by the flashy characters of the devs.
Most of them i find quite interesting. Quite jealous of their backstories if my main is a blank state who didn't have a life before the game..